
Laura's dedication will blow you out of the water. Last year she crushed her 3rd Street workout a whopping 216 times (36 more visits than the next-highest visitor!) Oh yeah, and she's dominated multiple Bootcamps since 2017. 🔥 This #3rdstreettribe legend has set the bar high, fam!

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“I never boxed before my first 3rd St. bootcamp! My (now) sister in-law invited me to a bootcamp before her wedding, and I reluctantly said yes even though I had never woken up at 5am for anything.. After that, I was hooked.”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“Boxing is infinity challenging, both physically and mentally. There’s always room to improve, and push yourself to be better. Someone better is always ready to punch you in the face! I train to prove to myself I am strong, and can accomplish my goals if I work hard - and that strength carries over into all other aspects of my life.”

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Bring thought and awareness to class and your workouts - you will get out of it what you put in. Don’t get discouraged if you feel like you aren’t good enough, everyone starts as a beginner, just stick with it.”