You've probably seen Janaiah in class, showing the bag who's boss, with her braid whipping back and forth! 💥 She's been part of the #3rdstreettribe since 2016!
How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?
“A few years back a friend told me about Paul's bootcamps, so I enrolled in my first camp in 2016 and have loved it since!
What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?
“It's the best physical challenge and emotional release out there. It requires technique, drive, patience, and hard work -- all at the same time. I come to 3rd street because it fosters a community of people who might be there for different reasons, but all want the same thing.”
Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?
“If you fall off of your workouts like I do, call yourself out! Oh, and never (aka always) be afraid of the CalTrain stairs :)”