Boxing has so many layers - it hooks you in both mentally and physically. Megan gets that. 👏 #3rdstreettribe
How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?
“After years of trying out a variety of different workout classes and getting bored after a few months, I thought I'd give boxing a try. After my first few classes, I was hooked! Now it's almost two years later and I'm just as excited to train and hone my skills as I was on day 1.”
What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?
“Boxing is a learned skill, and I find it incredibly rewarding to not only get a great full body workout in, but to also feel like I am actually getting better at a skill. It's also incredibly mentally cathartic and a big reason I keep going back to train: no matter what I'm going through at work, in life, etc, showing up to the gym and hitting a bag or working on a combo is the perfect escape.”
Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?
“You just have to start! We all start somewhere, and there is no shame in joining a class brand new and having to learn the punches or footwork from scratch. It can be a lot to retain at first but the more you train, the more it becomes second nature. And don't be afraid to ask for help! The boxing community is incredibly supportive — we're all in the this together.”