
Meet Michele. She has an awesome vintage orange 3rd Street tank, and works out regularly here with her soon-to-be husband! 💏 #3rdstreettribe

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“When I started I was trying to impress my boyfriend, who is now my soon-to-be husband. I think it worked! He was already a part of the 3rd street family and got me hooked.”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“Hitting the bags and training with great people just feels good. It’s like therapy, but with a lot more sweat.”

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Do a bootcamp or two. It’s the best way to learn and by the time you are done you will feel right at home at 3rd street.”


Jason has been at 3rd Street since the early days! ⏳ His old school grit has earned him a well-deserved spot in the #3rdstreettribe!

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“I started boxing on the streets of Queens w/ my friends. By '06, I was in SF & weighed like 200 lbs. I found out about the bootcamp at 3rd Street. This is when it was 6 weeks long & you fought at the end. It was intense from jump...1st week, puked every day & remember vividly doing pushups along the bayfront in the rain and on concrete. My hands were cut up from the shattered glass on the ground. I was cursing myself out that whole 1st week for signing up, but in the end it was one of the best decisions & investments I ever made - Got down to 180 by the end.”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“The discipline...the determination needed to keep going. These are all essential life skills that unfortunately I didn't learn growing up. 3rd Street helped mold me into a man - true story! I train to work off all the food I consume. Most importantly boxing has been an essential part of my mental wellness kit. As someone who had a traumatic youth & deals w/ depression & anxiety on a daily basis, boxing is on par with meditation as a form of therapy.”

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Start with Paul's classes - Paul's passion got me hooked & keeps me coming back. Get your diet on point- somewhat hypocritical coming from me but good diet & proper sleep makes training WAY easier. Do a Bootcamp - top 10 experiences & gave me a fitness foundation that has lasted 12+ yrs. Be easy on yourself & quiet that inner negative voice. Bring a sense of humor, don't take yourself TOO seriously.”


Alejandra is up next for our #3rdstreettribe client feature series! 👊

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“I was looking for an outlet to release stress. A friend had mentioned 3rd Street boxing gym and I decided to give it a try. I loved it since day one.”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“I love that boxing not only challenges you physically, but mentally as well. You have to be fully present when training. I train because it de-stresses me, challenges me mentally and physically, and empowers me to become a stronger person.”

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Even though I have been coming to 3rd Street for over a year, I sometimes feel like a newbie. There’s so much to learn! However, over time, you do get better, the numbers/punches start to make sense, and you are overall more coordinated. Little by little those baby steps can take you a long way!”