Rebecca N.

If "the joy of boxing" were a real phrase people used, Rebecca would be that concept personified. Folks like her truly make the #3rdstreettribe feel like a family! 😄

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“I’ve never actually watched boxing or participated in boxing as a sport before 3rd street. It was the closest gym to me so I gave it a try. In a short time I fell in love with 3rd street and the community Paul’s created. The best part about boxing is the physical and mental connection the sport requires. It’s such a technical sport - I’m always learning and improving. Plus if I feel like garbage I can always focus on my footwork :) Combined with the strength classes it means I never get bored even after coming 4-5/week for 2 years.”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“I train to be a badass! This gym has changed my physical fitness! My mile time is at least 90 seconds faster. I completed my first 13 mile Tough Mudder with women from the gym. I did my first pull-up. I’ve always been active, but I’m so much stronger after coming here. It’s empowering.”

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Come and look like an idiot. Who cares if you know nothing? Hard work and determination is always appreciated regardless of skill level — just be open to feedback from the trainers and regulars.”


Up next in our #3rdstreettribe member feature is Rosa! 👏

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“I wanted to find a form of workout that can fully engage my mind and body. So I yelped boxing and 3rd Street came highly recommended!”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“Boxing is honestly the best full body workout I've done - good combination of cardio and strength. You get a lot out of 60 mins of it.”

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Don't be intimidated! You can get a lot out of boxing regardless of what level you're at. 3rd Street offers something for every level.”


Boxing kicks you in the ass in the best way possible. And you won't get bored in your training at 3rd Street, guaranteed 😉 #3rdstreettribe

How did you get into boxing and how did you find yourself at 3rd Street?

“I'd been looking for a new 'kick-in-the-ass' workout for a while when I stumbled across some articles praising the variety and fun-factor of boxing. A quick Yelp search (and a bit of deliberation) later, I found myself at a beginner class at 3rd Street. I was sold and immediately signed up for a bootcamp. Which quickly led to another bootcamp. And another one :)”

What's the best part about boxing? Why do you train?

“The variety! Every session is different and challenges you in different ways. I always walk away worn out but also energized and balanced. Don't believe me? Give it a shot!

Any words of advice or encouragement for newbies?

“Boxing might look intimidating at first but 3rd Street is the nicest, friendliest gym I've ever visited. No matter how little you know about boxing (there's no way you could know less than I did when I first walked in), they'll make you feel at home and then push you to your limits.”